TOTP - Top Ten Things Which Catch A Womans Eye When Flicking TV Channels
Gentlemen, you know how annoying it gets when your wife, girlfriend or mum somehow ends up watching their stuff on your TV rather than your cool action movies? We do too, which is why we thought up this no-go list of items to avoid when flicking TV channels for todays show:-
- 10 - MTV documentaries
- 9 - Dumb cartoons
- 8 - Showbiz
- 7 - UK Gold
- 6 - Advertorials
- 5 - Wildlife
- 4 - MTV reality TV
- 3 - Soaps
- 2 - Tom Hanks
- 1 - Someone crying
We are going to be at Podcast Con 2006 in London this Saturday, so why not drop by and say hello?