Thursday, December 07, 2006

TOTP - Top Ten Things About Eastenders

Not the best show if you don't watch British telly, but good old Rachel from Brighton gets upset about the popular UK soap opera Eastenders in todays list:-

  • 10 - Washing Machines
  • 9 - Mini Marts
  • 8 - The Bed And Breakfast
  • 7 - Faithful
  • 6 - Pauline Fowlers Dog
  • 5 - Vic Night And Day
  • 4 - Child Actors
  • 3 - Working
  • 2 - Reincarnation
  • 1 - Pat Butcher

Our comments board is looking sparce - we've recorded the next show but we be won't releasing it until we get 50 comments, and they can't all be from the same person either. Get discussing stuff now.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you guys making more shows. Great stuff.

cucmc2 said...

Can't wait to hear this one and the next!

podcastpaul said...


Anonymous said...

We get "Eastenders" here in the states on
BBC America. Will have to get watching..
This list was beyond me but just to hear
the dulcet tones of Rob and Jon makes
me happy!!

Anonymous said...

great show guys!

Grant - Three From Leith said...

Oooo - can't wait to hear this one.

In the meantime, folks might enjoy this rather clever and frankly bizarre animation from YouTube, BeastEnders !!

Anonymous said...

not listened to it yet but sounds good! im getting a new ipod for christmas so should be able to use it more! yay! more totp for me!

Anonymous said...

and just to let you know guys, i didnt mean to send my list 4 times... sorry :P

Anonymous said...

yay, my audio comment was played on this show! :) Thank god my voice has broken, i sounded like a idiot.

only about 40 comments needed until the next show

Anonymous said...

It's first thing in the morning and here my day is already ruined. I get up, pour myself a cup of coffee, and stumble out to the patio to have my morning smoke and start my day with a laugh - listening to Top of the Pods on my iPod. It's so cold and nasty out there, but I've got my iPod to distract me so it's okay.

And what do you two do? You start talking about Lost in the middle of a show about Eastenders (which I'd never even heard of until today, btw, so thanks at least for describing it before you started). I'm thinking that I should skip ahead a bit just in case you start mentioning things I haven't seen yet, but then you've mentioned it in the past and always been very respectful of those of us who don't get to keep up with it and have to wait for it on DVD. But NO! Off you go listing people who've died on Lost! People who were alive as far as I knew!

So thanks for nothing guys. Next time you might as well just spill my coffee and steal my cigarettes while you're at it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it'll be a while until the next show eh?..

Good show guys, I remember Eastenders from when I lived in England now!

Anonymous said...

Blooming heck. A show about East enders. Lads I was gutted, I go through life avoiding the misery that is Soap operas especially the cok-ern-ies and they mancunians. I am worried that all this depression is contagious.

So I beg you now, while I try hard not to listen to this podcast to publish the next show pronto and save me from Audio hell. Why oh why oh why does my favourite podcast have to talk about my all time least favourite thing. I am torn.

Please put up the next show and I can delete this one. I have never avoided a Top of the pods and loived them all but you are trying my patience.


P.S. The next show isn't about corrie is it?

Geeky Gerge said...

Haven't listened to this show yet, but its nice to see you're kind of getting back on schedule. Thanks to your inspiration, I created my own podcast a while ago, so thanks for that. Now i'm gonna plug my show! The Geeky Gerge Podcast - Gaming news, Technology news and Music. hehe.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight - you do 3 shows in a month, then wonder why the comments board is looking so sparse ?

Only joking, it's all good.

Top Of The Pods said...

The sooner you get those 50 comments up the sooner we'll start releasing those 9 more epiosdes we've got waiting to go.

Yup, seriously 9 shows.

Hurry up!

Anonymous said...

god you guys are such teases! never really watched east enders, but we get corrie here in canada, and i have watched it when ever i go to my grandmothers for as long as i can remember.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, don't believe a word of it - 9 shows lined up? Rubbish! That said, I'm COMPLETELY happy to be proved wrong! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

The word should be "sparse".

Cheers, Mr Pedantic

Top Of The Pods said...

Only 18 comments so far. We are seriously sitting on 9 shows we recorded yesterday afternoon.

Don't be stubborn people, do we suck that much?

Geeky Gerge said...

Can we just type some random spam to fill this up? Heres my share:


Thank you for your time.

Grant - Three From Leith said...

I'd release them before the audience figures drop any more as folks don't see anything showing in their podcatchers and think you've retired / died / run away ;-)

OK - let's get the discussion going:

Do you think the boys really HAVE recorded 9 shows ? Discuss.

I think they've recorded 9 1-minute shows, just to tease us. Reason ? Because they're a pair of kidders ;-)

(BTW - I heard some of the TOTP jingle music on a show on Radio 4 the other day...)

cucmc2 said...

I bet they're ten minutes :)

Anonymous said...

# 24.

Have to study.

Total PodCastrophe said...

Very much enjoying the TOTP staying active.
Warms my heart (and fills my PCs hard drive, iMac, iPod, and Nano).
Half way now?
Is it 50 unique comment posters?
Or just 50 posts, full stop?
Our show might not have another release until the New Year. So many things I have not gotten done yet.
Shopping for presents for one.
Kudos, Rob & Jon, Kudos.

Anonymous said...

If they did the show with an all animal cast, they could call it "BeastEnders"

Anonymous said...

if they did the show with a large amount of food, they could call it "FeastEnders"

Anonymous said...

if they made the show all about Marmite they could call it "YeastEnders"

Anonymous said...

if they did the show in a church, they could call it "PriestEnders"

Anonymous said...

How about a show based around a cemetary...set in a Cul De Sac?
"Dead Enders"?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice organ intro, Rob. Smacks of John Shuttleworth crossed with an Average White Band backbeat. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

So my question is, do we have to subtract your comments from the 50? Please, no!

Great to hear you both laughing again. How about a show in the gold feed of the opening segments? Some of them - many of them - are priceless all by themselves.

Hoping to hear you soon,

bryan-in-greece said...

I always used to think the best part of EastEnders (apart from the fact that it gave you one more justification for turning off the TV) was the bit at the beginning where they dropped a camera out of a plane above London at 40,000 feet... ;-)

One nearer to the 50...

Anonymous said...

Eastenders ? You're having a laugh.

Knees up, mother Brown. Any old iron. Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner. My old man said follow the van. Etc, etc.

Just got to nip up the apples to see the trouble.

Top Of The Pods said...

are there 9 shows on the deck Robbo? Nice one. We had a pretty productive weekend then. None of these shows are 1 minute long. Oh, I have a great little idea for Hank and Eugene. If the comments reach 100 then I'll write it this week. If not then I'll write it next year.

Anonymous said...


Instructions says discuss "Stuff" what is stuff? Is this stuff and nonsense?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bryan, for reminding me of that opening. Is that the original opening? It always seemed like a fairly modern concept for a fairly long-running show.


Anonymous said...

I guess it was the original opening, Linda - I suppose that was back in the times when in order for a show to be put on TV they had to put at least something interesting in the programme, and the opening was the EastEnders' producers token interesting bit. Or maybe I am just being cynical? ;-)

Anonymous said...

so hang on. if we get enough comments, we get more shows. just like points for prizes, but less catchy.

Anonymous said...

That's about the size of it, it would appear! (as the Bishop said to the actress)

Anonymous said...

cmon lads i need my next fix

disapointed in the totp guys for using such blackmail just to make themselves look better by instead of 1 and a half comments there are 1,000

but what can i say it worked and got me to comment...well done

Anonymous said...

rob, your myspace page doesnt accept friend requests from bands, whats with that man?

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing Laura from the Scott Mills how talking about how when she was at school the music teacher made all the kids sing hymns to tv theme tunes and one was to the Eastenders tune, random fact

edmarriner said...

great stuff guys! LOVED IT :)

Anonymous said...

cmon close enough

Top Of The Pods said...

Jeffs right, we should give more challenging homework in future. Anyway, heres the next show...

Anonymous said...

As always, keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Blogger showing 52 comments (with this one), website entry showing 39 after various refreshes and clearing of cache, and the next show is downloading but no notes. Who's minding the store?

(Good to see a new show, though!)

Anonymous said...

yeah, theres a new show, but we cant comment on it. are you guys still trying to get 50 showing on the home page?

Anonymous said...

In Firefox, my page was hanging on 39 comments on the Eastenders list. So.... Tools - Clear Private Data (make sure to clear the right things, such as NOT Saved Passwords and Cookies unless you're really adventurous), and that brings up the 'refreshed' page with the new 'cast. (Love hearing from Randy! How did he ever find you?)

Of course, if you're on the old page, you won't see this...

I suspect it's a Blogger beta issue (no matter how you pronounce it).


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, in the US we get very old episodes of EastEnders. These episodes still have Steve Owen (Martin Kemp) owning the remodeled E20 (after the fire Mel started).

We've only recently found out that Harry Slater and Kat are Zoe's parents. And Little Mo is still with the bastard Trevor!

PS, I'm glad that the Queen Vic HASN'T become a Starbucks! Thanks for the Pods guys ... I love them!

Anonymous said...

AHHH! Major Lost spoiler, thanks a lot for the nonexistent warning! At least I don't think Kate dies now, Please put a warning in if there is going to be any major spoilers for Lost