Friday, October 12, 2007

TOTP - Top Ten Airport Distractions

Matts been flying recently and gave us this list about the top ten things to do in an airport:-

Strangly enough Rob is off to the airport next week heading to Hawaii, but stay subscribed as they'll be some more shows being launched over the next few weeks. Thanks for the kind welcome back emails, keep them flowing to


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new show guys!
have a nice time rob!

Anonymous said...

perils of leaking airline toilets...

Anonymous said...

I'll be going to the airport in a week's time as well, I'm off to China. :)

Excellent show, loved the prank call.

Anonymous said...

for some reason i really like airports

Anonymous said...

hey guys!
glad you're back from somerset!
listening to the show now, just saying the swastika is actually an inverted Hindu peace symbol, maybe that was what the building was??
keep it up!

Anonymous said...

not you guys from somerset... me from somerset..

Chris Kent said...

Excellent prank call. That irish accent was very convincing. What other accents can you do?

Kirby said...

yh that call was hilariuous. espiacely when he started to swear! keep up the good work please :)

Anonymous said...

can u guys do a video podcast (vodcast)? i just got a new ipod classic for my birthday and it would be cool to see wat u guys looked like.