Wednesday, May 24, 2006

TOTP - Top Ten New Media Predictions

Its the longest show so far when Mark from the Tartanpodcast joins Rob to talk about the way media is heading. More of a serious discussion than a fun list on todays mp3 offering, but if you are interested in the way the media is heading then check out this top ten list of predictions:-

If you are interested in these kind of topics then we recommend the Media Guardian website which has recently started a great weekly podcast. As usual keep the emails coming to and add us to your Skype friends list incase we need to call you for a show - we are called topofthepods within Skype.

Be sure to look us up on Second Life too, we'll also be showing up on myspace in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

A serious discussion with rob & jon & mark? longest podcast from them ever?

I can't even wait until tomorrow. I'm listening to this tonight (USA west coast). I work in the media and I might have some gripes too.

I can even imagine a special occasional poscast with the three of you on it. Not top tens, just dicussion. That would prolly work better at Mr Hunter's site due to the respective formats.

ANYWHO hope ya'll are sleeping well as it's 4am where you are.

Anonymous said...

I should probably add that my name is Dustin, I intend to sign up for whatever the hell this is but I'm very lazy.

Anonymous said...

also dustin.

I got excited and didn't read it properly.

I'm halfway through the show and thoroughly interested.

that is all.

Adrian Pegg said...

Fascinating stuff.

Really enjoyable.

alex said...

Good to here a serious show (or given the curent out put any show at all) from top of the pods. Some good points and it is right that old media should use what ther good at, High quality. Why forexample am i going to go to i tunes and pay for a 128 kbs song in some fomat i acn barly use and wrped in a pile of drm. Insted i could go to bittored and down load the same sone in 320kbs mp3 that will last forever and play on anything. so if ur reading this and curerntly use itunes or anything other big downlad sevice try and get as looosless quality at 1/10 th the price + is 100% legal. I im not being paid to say this it just shows that with blogs and the internet if uve got a good product u dont need paid advertising.

buttercupboxer said...

brilliant show! Agree with everything! think it will take time to change, the industries won't change until they cut the chaff from the wheat. get rid of the lazy execs screaming and laying around. keep the producers and techies, maybe a few salesmen and people who know pr/distribution.
i could see that new media may not get rid of old media. i still enjoy the heft of a book or browsing brick stores for new entertainment. movie theaters are great until i get my own really big screen. Still big changes are called for.
as for ads, i skip 'em unless i see one that seems interesting.

Larry Shallenberger said...

Nice show. Miss the commedy and Jon, but i know you can't stay serious forever.

Nice to have you guys back.

Anonymous said...

Good show, but the niggling thought all through wasa that i need to get this... fridging podcast done. Join hislop for who

Anonymous said...

57 minutes! Wowza!

Maja said...

Excellent show guys, very interesting.

I hardly ever watch things when they're shown on TV, I always record them and watch later.

Anonymous said...

Rob, what's your name in Second Life?
Maybe fans of the show could "hang out"?

Anonymous said...

hang on... 3 people have visited my blog. am i doing something wrong? someone visit it and tell me...

Anonymous said...

Another example of "pull-media" being more valuable than "push" is Netflix. They took home video rental to the next level, making it easier to get movies delivered to your door.

This SHOULD send a clear message to corporate media that broadcast is in for some serious competition.

Anonymous said...

Great discussion but mabyr a lil bit BORING!!!