TOTP - Top Ten Cats
Shaun in Kent supplies Jon, Rob and Ande from the Premiership Podcast with todays cat podcast:-
- 10 - Tygra
- 9 - Cheshire cat
- 8 - Salem
- 7 - Garfield
- 6 - Snowball II
- 5 - Sylvester
- 4 - Bagpuss
- 3 - Top cat
- 2 - Scratchy
- 1 - Puss in Boots
Having a short break this week but we'll be back bright and breezy next Tuesday. Enjoy the sun! Stay in touch using, or leaving an audio comment at Evoca.
i love cats :)
and since you asked, here are links to pictures of my cats (since the img tag isn't allowed):
this is jack. he runs into walls. i dropped him on his head as a kitten.
this is zelda. she's fat because she eats styrofoam.
also, wasn't president clinton's cat relatively famous?
Great show guys. I saw a picture of your cat, Rob on Myspace and he is adorable. Here is a link to a picture of my cat Smoky.
What about Top Cat?
You forgot Cat from Red Dwarf !! He should have been number 1 !!
Sara-Jane from Tikkabilla / Higgledy-Piggledy House ? Mmmmmmm..... I thought the same when I first clapped eyes on her about 3 years ago. Slightly spoiled by that Bonnie Langford-ish air she has about her. Sigh.
Shiny Show - Dogsby, Mukka and Tiggs. Class show ! Amazing what you get into when you have little kids, isn't it ?
I'd put up a pic of my cat, October, but all the decent ones are on film and I can't be bothered scanning them at the moment. She looks a bit like Rob's cat, Robin and loves eating creepy-crawlies, licking my arms and hacking up furballs on my bed at 3am just to spite me ;-)
Heavens to Murgatroyd! Snagglepuss wasn't on the list. He was at least as good as Snowball II.
Bucky from the Get Fuzzy comics should be number 1
Rob and Jon were saying that they never get Video messages, so I used my iMac (yes Rob, that is an iMac) to record and post a little message for them.
I am a Mac fanatic! 5 Mac laptops, a few windwos laptops, and just about every model of iPod ever produced feature in the Video message... (I only realised after the message was sent that I didn't include my wife's iPod mini - 2 gig, and two other Mac laptops - both older Powerbooks).
You can have a look at my message to them here:
Check out my blog while you're at it:
what about Samurai Pizza Cats?
Hey Dion, just watched the video message you sent the lads - that is quite an impressive array of computing kit you have there!!! And a cyclist as well...!! Excellent stuff!
Top Of The Pods has soared (plummeted?) to #201 on PodcastAlley. Well done Lads!
Why was the pink panther not in the top 10 cats? he is THE coolest cat around!
BOO Cats suck!
You are either paid very well or you have a whole host of credit cards bursting at the seams !! Amazing selection of computing power there.
If you chained them all together you'd have enough computing power to set yourself up in business as an evil genius Bond villain who plans to take over the world's networks for your own devious ends ;-)
Do you own a white cat by any chance ???
Only joking, Dion. It's nice to put a face and voice to a name at last.
I dont want to sound ornery or anything but where is a new show. I thought there would be a new one on tuesday.
I don't understand the word ornery... I think they meant THIS Tuesday? :) xx
ornery (adj attrib) : being in a state of arousal where one urgently needs a cold shower and a dose of bromide in one's tea (Origin unknown).
You forgot the bad guy from james bonds cat. You know, the white persian cat.
Tuesdays come and Tuesdays go.
Hate to say I told you so!
These guys have pulled the plug.
their skype message says 'finished recording' so im anxiously waiting, checking every 30 seconds or so. hehe
Bryan, LOL!
Where's Pink Pather, Felix, Tom & Jerry....what about Tiger?!! Great show guys, totally hilarious!! Awe yeah! Hanna-Barbera!
Jon, I think you watch Veggietales cause you sound like Khalil and Angus from Jonah the movie. Do you sell cru-u-u-ise tickets??
Dude what are you guys huffing..
A cat in costume dancing? That mystical bagpuss sounds a bit gross and explicit....Puss n' Goots, what are you eating?!
Out of control! Order, order, order on the podcast..No more consuming alcohol before recording.
Another wonderfully long show. Sweet!!
I've only had dogs. Don't answer the skype...NOOOOOOO! Ewe a 4-way, Jon!
That's why your losing listeners. You've gone to the bottom of the barrell by getting myspace accounts.
Oh my goodness Rob's on point with Ironic. Jon, stop the swearing. I thought wee burn was an urine acid burn.
Are you guys going to run out of music, or is that song on loop?
Where is this show going? ok enough.
Come on Rob and John! Dont die on us yet! Please at least do a final podcast guys!
Absolutely right on, bluejacka!!! Rob and Jon have put out so much quality material and yet some people are unsatisfied, pushing for yet more, and want it NOW. I have just driven back home after seeing my girlfriend off on a week's hols to Morocco from Thessaloniki Airport this morning at 5am with a tear in my eye, and put TOTP on random program shuffle on the iRiver in the car, not even choosing my personal favourites, and it made the late-night drive home such a laugh.
What we need to remember here is that some people actually DO work damned hard and that their free time is at a premium (and I include myself in this). Those amongst us who are used to free entertainment fed by TV/radio stations must remember that TOTP is hard work put in by two everyday working blokes who are not getting paid a few thousand pounds a week to entertain us, and yet who manage to serve up programmes which most listeners would probably agree consistently go far beyond most TV/radio output in entertainment value - and it is clean, to boot! To be pushing them to put out a show is churlish in the extreme.
OK, that's my tuppenny'orth! :-)
But I do feel it needed saying.
and, just for the record, my last comment is NOT directed at ph, but at anonymous commenters...
Why do you people degrade yourself by pleading for more? How pathetic! At best, these two were only marginally funny. These guys get their kicks by making you beg before they can be "inspired" to put out another podcast.
Anonymous - break cover and tell us who you are, I dare you....
I'm not keen on people who like to make smart comments without being man enough to show their face.
If you really think Jon and Rob are only 'marginally funny' and are getting 'kicks' by not putting out a show for a while, why do you continue to listen and post on the comments board ? You obviously keep checking back to see if there's a show as you secretly enjoy them immensely....
Jon and Rob are not making anyone beg. Point me in the direction of any statement from them saying anything of the sort, wil you ? They have their own lives, families and jobs which come first. They have bills to pay and mouths to feed. They podcast for free; they make no money from doing it. It's a hobby. I do one show a week and it takes probably about 7 hours in total of prep, editing, post-editing, doing shownotes, notifying artists of playlistings and dealing with emails and comments. It's bloody hard work, yet I enjoy it. It's a hell of a commitment, and I can't imagine the sheer hard work, time and effort that goes into doing it every day (or even twice a week).
Cut them some slack. They do a show when they can fit it in with their daily lives, which I know are very full and very hectic at the moment (hence the hiatus).
The only one degrading him/herself is you, anonymous, with your snide comments. It's time you grew up and came out of the anonymous closet; otherwise we'll all begin to suspect you're a jealous podcaster with no listeners ;-)
amen to that!
BlueJackA said...
"nice one guys will listen to it shortly as i need to work on bluejackaddicts podcast 5.
keep up the good work!! :-) "
How do you know it's a "nice one" if you haven't listened to it?. Not above a little logrolling, are you?
"anonymous", this is just plain sad. Not only do you not understand the meaning of "nice one" (i.e. "thanks", another word which may well also be outside your active vocabulary, apparently), but you also have the gall to remain just that: anonymous. One thing you have to learn in this world, should you venture openly into it, my friend, is that if you want people to take what you say seriously, you have to show who you are and why you need to be taken seriously. So far you have done neither. The only conclusion to be drawn is that you are one of those sad individuals who feed their inferiority complexes by attacking others from behind the keyboard. Grant put it nicely when he wrote:
"I'm not keen on people who like to make smart comments without being man enough to show their face."
It is becoming increasingly clear that your face is not worth being shown, "anonymous". You seem to realise this too. Learn some manners or learn some civility. Unless anonymity characterises you and your life...?
but IM only anonymous because im too lazy to get an account dilly!
dammit im using the anonymous name for the powers of good!
TOTP rocks! worth waiting for!
pay those bills guys, we'll wait.
Why does the web page still say we will be back on Tuesday? Why does the web page still say they put out a show every weekday? Truth in advertising a concept foreign to Brits? Just too busy to change a bit of HTML? Does not reflect well on their web development skills or ethics. It is this "fuck you" attitude that really pisses me off!
We've both got free time but it never seems to match, rest of the time we are earning money / spending time with family / sleeping etc. Aiming for a sesh this coming Tuesday (hopefully).
Anonymous - when we couldn't find any free entertainment we turned this negativity into something good and recorded our own podcast.
We also played around with a video camera the other day...
Interesting these guys have time to not respond to my pertinent questions with more the usual self-justifying crapola but they don't have time to update their lying web
page. "Tuesday" seems to be code for "whenever" so don't bother boys. I've lost interest in you, your crap podcast, your forum of lapdogs and sycophants, and, in general, anything British or Euro. Ciao.
Tuesday means Tuesday (27th). Monday Jon and I are busy, Tuesday Jon and I aren't. The reason we don't update the site with our diary is that this content is syndicated via RSS and I've noticed changing the comments field sometimes results in duplicate shows being picked up by some podcachers.
Goodbye anonymous. Enjoy living with yourself and your xenophobic complexes. You must be a real fun guy. NOT.
I believe that you could at least set Blogger Comments to only allow registered users. Granted, you can set up a bogus Blogger account just to make childish comments, but it might help.
Do those guys not realise if you click on other instead of anonymous you can just type your name without registering? Thats what I do. Anyway, can't wait till Tuesday, maybe my list will be read! Keep up the good work guys.
Diese zwei Männer sind nicht wert das Hören zu!
I am so excited! I luv these 2 guys! The satisfy me in every way!
Oh dear... he's resorting to sarcasm and usernames that spoof real commenters.
He really has nothing better to do than hang around trying to feel all big and clever by being a big, plukey bahookie.
Couldn't stay away, eh anonymous ? Still too afraid to be a man though I see. At least if we're critical we have the guts to do it using our names (and in some cases, our pics).
Since you now know how to type a name in under 'other', why don't you put in yours and stop acting like a spoilt teenager (although maybe you are) ?
And now anonymous/"adolfh" is going to try to be funny in German, even though he is clearly pretty poor at German, to judge by the mess he made of that sentence....
BlueJackA . . . . I have them on Skype and made the same mistake last week... the "finished recording" tag is just left on there cos rob forgot to take it off. They haven't recorded anything... but hopefully come tuesday they will have.
Επιθυμώ ότι αυτά τα δύο αγόρια θα με επισκέπτονταν στην Ελλάδα. Θα τους παρουσίαζα πώς Έλληνες έχουν τη διασκέδαση.
and his Greek is just about as bad as his German... Lesson number one: never put your faith in online translation software - I am a professional translator and can vouch for that...
ph said...
"Rob, if Jon is not going to show up, and you are free, let me know."
Oh great, another crappy replacement for crappy Jon.
I vote this "anonymous" gonzo just gets ignored, what do you reckon folks? Obviously just a sad Billy-No-Mates individual with too much free time and too little worth saying.
I bet it's just Jon cos he's bored this afternoon.
but if it's not.
yeah guys, let's all just ingore him.
(then I'll catch his IP and we can team up and do some interesting things with his comp)
It's way past your bed time, little boy.
Guess it's time I went to bed before my Mummy catches me and gives me a good thrashing for saying naughty things about people.
I'd better include Jon & Rob in my prayers as I'm going to go blind if there's not a new show up soon to distract me.
Oh yes, and God, I'm sorry I called Jon crappy. I know he's a big hairy bloke and I'm frightened he'll shout at me a bit if he ever catches me.
Bless Mummy, Teddy and TOTP.
Hey ppl !
This anon guy is oviusly a sad person ( watch my language ) as it must like the show some what other wise it wouldnt waste its time comming on the website at all . Keep up the good work Rob and Jon ! and dont listen to it just keep up your great shows ! Even if it takes a while for each show they are always worth waiting for . Is there any way you can block his computer with its code thingy ? anyway keep it up guys ! Been listenin nw for bout a year ! stil as good as ever !
All I know is three things.
It's hot here (103F)
Hopefully there will be a couple shows recorded tomorrow.
I'm salivating while waiting for my potatoe garlic soup to cool down.
oh and the anon guy's a c***
-oh sorry that's four isn't it.
BLah da Blah da bloggigeid blah
whoa i dont know what that was but what i do know is that TOTP is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ny gus
put in a good word for them Rob and Jon!
"BlueJackA said...
nah c---s are useful, anon isnt..."
youre awesome.
9. your little brothers extremely annoying friend that doesn't know he's just obnoxious and not funny.
dustin said...
youre awesome.
anon said...
youre an idiot.
That's really positive... the c*** is recognizing the opinions of others. well done little boy.
The countdown begins! Less than 24 hours to put out another episode. Odds are another "Tuesday" will come and go. Lame excuses will follow, of course.
dusty said...
"the anon guy's a c***"
Nice mouth, little man. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
bluejackass says
"before he goes off in search of a village somewhere thats missing an idiot"
Given the amount of time you spend in this forum, I'm sure my search won't take too long.
holi beri vomited...
"Hey ppl !
This anon guy is oviusly a sad person ( watch my language ) as it must like the show some what other wise it wouldnt waste its time comming on the website at all . Keep up the good work Rob and Jon ! and dont listen to it just keep up your great shows ! Even if it takes a while for each show they are always worth waiting for . Is there any way you can block his computer with its code thingy ? anyway keep it up guys ! Been listenin nw for bout a year ! stil as good as ever !"
English Lit major, right?
bryan-in-grease said...
"I vote this "anonymous" gonzo just gets ignored, what do you reckon folks? "
What do you reckon they won't?
I'm upset - I've not been insulted yet !
I have to say, though, that this inadequate 'person' is providing us with some top entertainment whilst Jon & Rob get on with their real lives for now.
Go on, anon - do your own podcast - 'Top Ten Reasons Why I Feel The Need To Hang Around The Comments Boards of Shows I Claim Not To Like', or 'Top Ten Insults I've Made'. I could do with a laugh !
rofl grant :-)
I was thinking this morning that we could do a psychological profile of anon in the same style as British TV's Cracker with Robbie Coltrane - putting together the pieces and coming up with a description of the psyche (and perhaps psycho!) behind him. After all, he has unwittingly fed us plenty of material to go on.
Then maybe Mark in Glasgow could do it all as an mp3/vidcast in the genuine Cracker accent - I have heard Rob and Jon say Mark likes a drink or two, so he would make an even better Cracker... (no offence, Mark, I am one of your loyal listeners too!!!)
As for my previous suggestion of ignoring him, well, sod that, this is too much fun!! Top entertainment indeed! We need to keep this twerp around for the laughs, a sort of forum pet mascot. It is just like at school when there was always some squeaking urchin trailing round behind the gang, the one with one long red earlobe and a slapped face...
It's Holi here again !
what do you expect ? my spelling isnt meant to be fantastic ! im fed up with this anon person and i dont care what they say, Rob and Jon always do brilliant podcasts and they are always worth waiting for. So just go and insult people somewhere else.
ps oh aye iv got an english lit major alrite, yip child genuis i am at 14 that would be clever, unlike these ppl who are tlkin ****
All I have to say is the longer we go without an episode in the future, the bettwe that episode will be when we hear it :) And plus, Rob and Jon are just such great hosts and all that their show is always worth the wait anyway. Like the holidays.
RIP top of the pods?
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