TOTP - Top Ten Evil Computers
With technology getting smarter and smarter, Rob lists his top ten evil computers to watch out for:-
- 10 - KARR from Knight Rider
- 9 - Proteus IV from Demon Seed
- 8 - HAL from 2001
- 7 - Red Queen from Resident Evil
- 6 - The Borg from Star Trek
- 5 - VIKI From I Robot
- 4 - The Cylons from Battlestar Gallactica
- 3 - The Matrix from the Matrix trilogy
- 2 - WOPA from War Games
- 1 - Skynet from The Terminator trilogy
As mentioned on the show, we would love to see some drawings of what you think we look like - send those jpegs into Plus we get all mobile and you can too - we are one of the UK podcasts which get automatically delivered straight to your mobile phone via Mobipod - it beats listening to a cheesy ringtone.
Hi just to get the first comment and say good first half of the show will see if the rest goews as well.
also congrats on the mobi pod thing does that meeen you will have to make at least one show a week then.
"Is that your phone vibrating there Jon?"
bit embarassed to have laughed outloud a few times as I was eating my take away lunch in Safeway.
Great show dudes, looking forward to next one already.
Shouldn't Gary Glitter's computer be in there somewhere??? ;-)
Hi guys
Your 2nd most evil computer - the WHOPR computer from War Games - wasn't really that evil at all! It was just simulating the game Mathew Broderick had pulled up (global thermo nuclear war), and showing the simulations on the big monitors. It was the military people who got confused and almost started WW3 while watching simulations...
Granted, at one point all the systems went screwy as WHOPR had apparently been given at least partial control over launching the American missiles, but... Hey, I blame the programmers. :-) Too much system integration for our own good.
As for the most evil computer - Skynet from Terminator - it wasn't actually "defeated" as such, more like "prevented". The plot of the movies was to alter events in the past so that Skynet would never happen.
Cheers from Vancouver, Canada
Btw, WHOPR also wasn't "defeated" as such. Rather, it ran countless simulations of the nuclear war scenario and then concluded that this was a strange game: "The only way to win is not to play" (It's a hole in the story that it hadn't already run all of those simulations and come to that conclusions years ago considering its purpose and location deep inside the NORAD mountain).
Oh, and it didn't end with checkers or tic-tac-toe but with a monotone "How-about-a-nice-game-of-chess?"
you could of had MCP from Tron
The Cyclons from the new battlestar galactica series are having sex because god told them to go forth and multiple (with children, not numbers).
I think it's apparent here that Rob really isn't the nerdiest...
Um what about the Femputer on Futurama that tried destroy all the men on the planet. And asked why she did it...
Femputer: Why? Why? I came here from a faraway planet - a planet ruled by a chauvinistic manputer that was really a manbot. Have you any idea how it feels to be a fembot living in a manbot's manputer's world?
Has Futurama made it to the UK?
I'ts GOTTA be syndicated there... I think it's syndicaed on mars for chrissakes.
great call on the femputer, anonymous...
lol you should have had the darlek or something from dr who!
hey wheres all the thing from TOTP gold????
ive got nothing to listen to lol
great show guys
from elle
what about the computers on all the Alien(s,3,4) ships? they kept waking people up and sending them to their deaths. and they went by the creepy names of 'mother' and 'father. and then there's that little cyborg problem, yeesh. creepy robots that bleed milk.
not as evil as femputer though.
great show guys! thanks for the laughs!
Great show but there ain't been any topt gold shows for days...
WHERES TOTP GOLD im just fed up!!!!!!!!!
im sorry but what about the computer in lost ?!?!
surely that is evil in some way!
i drew a picture, but it turned out to be a spit of Justin Lee Colins and Alan Carr from the Friday Night Project. Keep up the good work
bnudd @
I saw the title of this show and thought "They'd better have SKYNET in there somewhere!" and lo and behold, it gets the top spot. Great job, guys.
every tuesday night I pray to the atheist gods and come here.
Here's hoping they're recording now and will post it later tonight.
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