TOTP - Top Ten Ways To Become An Absolute Computer Dork
James Gardner sent us this list of the ten ways to spot a computer dork. How well do you score?:-
- 10 - Have a print out on your wall from Google maps of Cupertino.
- 9 - Complain to the BBC more than once a week.
- 8 - Think a duck's quack doesn't echo.
- 7 - Wear a slashdot T-Shirt on a first date.
- 6 - Know what yEnc, LAME, BSD, MozDev and OSS are acronyms for.
- 5 - Tell people about Adam Curry and expect them to be enthusiastic.
- 4 - Have a gmail account.
- 3 - Ask the lazy disinterested teenage shop assistant in PC world about Linux just so you can tell them what it is and why you hate Microsoft.
- 2 - Say "LOL" and "ROFLMAO" in normal conversation.
- 1 - Never leave the house and have no friends.
Isn't BSD Blue Screen of Death?
And I think Mos Def is a rapper and in Hitchhiker's the Film, yes. Though MozDef are the Mozilla Development team, the people who make Firefox.
As for ducks quacking, just let me take my pet duck for a walk down to the local bridge...Nope, not echoing.
Nooooo. BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution, a computer OS almost as good as Windows ;P
Unfortunately BSD is dying, netcraft confirms it. If you "get" that lastsentence you are an absolute computer dork.
so trog, did you enjoy the show????? ;-)
how come George & Michael have taken on hybrid Peterborough/Yorkshire/Lancashire accents? Are they researching new roles? Lots of wee jokes, but no poo ones- are they Rob's Rules?! x
Hmmmm... methinks Trog's a blog comment spammer. Wasn't there one a day or so ago in here from some other suspicious character saying "great blog - come check out mine" ? That looked pretty much like spam too.
yes, grant, something about horse barrel riding, whatever that is!
For all those wondering about ducks and echos, then have a look at this...
This is from the BBC so it must be true, no?
Almost Daily Top Ten Lists
PS we back tonight guys after a short break in recordings... rob had stubbed his toe on a humfuit and I was in a 72hr game of redutref. So sorry about that. We promise to be more careful and not play games involving lots of money and trefs.
The BBC News website today had this article about a new Yahoo podcast page which might be worth looking at - apparently it allows you to rate the podcasts you listen to - so I think a few good words could be put in for Jon and Rob...
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