TOTP - Top Ten Christopher Walken Films
Now standing for President in the States, here is Rowleys Top Ten of Christopher Walken Films:-
- 10 - Things to do in Denver when you are dead
- 9 - Antz
- 8 - The Stepford Wives
- 7 - American Sweethearts
- 6 - Pulp Fiction
- 5 - Batman Returns
- 4 - The Dead Zone
- 3 - The Deer Hunter
- 2 - Sleepy Hollow
- 1 - A View To A Kill
Looking at the huge drop in stats it seems like half our audience have gone to visit their parents for Thanksgiving. So take advantage of becoming technical support, while you are fixing your Moms email account then why install Juice or iTunes and subscribe to You might also want to test Moms email account by generating a test message from Happy holidays, we'll be back on Monday.
Im sure jon will hate me for this but I think Con Air is a good movie!!!
best thing he has been in is the weapon of choice vid. hillarious, far better that any of those films, only because i havent seen any of them!
He's fantastic as Annie's slightly psychotic brother (who has fantasies of killing himself by crashing his car...then gives Woody Allen- who's also 'in' Antz, which I like too, Jon- & Annie Hall a lift home...)
ps: don't suppose you want to scan the dazed & confused article (for those of us in the sticks without access to a decent newspaper shop) to read??
Fantastic idea to scan the article, Diane! I saw a picture of it on the Tartan Podcast page, but it wasn't clear enough to read.
I haven't yet listened to the podcast... but what about CW's turn in True Romance??? Eggplants indeed... stole the whole movie :)
that was Roy Stewart... listening all the way from NEW ZEALAND bythe way ;)
is it Jon's b/day? (am i gormless?)
happy birthday!
I've seen a pic of the article too now-thanks for the tip Molly.
speaking of pix, what happened to the TOTP flikr page?
Happy birthday there, Jon :-)
happy birthday to you :)
happy birthday tooooo you:)
happy birthday to jon~~
happy birthdaaayyyyyyy toooooooooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (end in high pitched pavarotti opera voice)
please return soon
Top 10 things Rob & Jon do when they can't find time to Podcast....
no worries, all these need to be done by saturday...
10 - finish web site
9 - finish javascript work
8 - start another website
7 - do christmas wishlist for family
6 - paint walls
5 - paint gloss doors
4 - paint skirting board
3 - varnish floor boards
2 - lay laminate floor boards
1- sleep
Maybe they're coordinating Holiday Travel plans with Hank and EUgene.
Can we use the Joker or the Gold Card on that list of things you have to do, Rob? ;-)
To start a topic of conversation whilst Rob does housework...
D'you not think Jon sounds more like a "Rob" and Rob like a "Jon" ?
In terms of voice, I mean. When I first heard it I thought..."Those guys' names are the wrong way round!". But no; Jon is Jon and Rob is Rob.
Your thoughts?
[That may read slightly confusingly.]
Interesting observation, Gordon! I could see Jon being a Rob, but I couldn't see Rob being a Jon. Maybe Rob could be a Peter or a David. Jon could also be a Mike, I think.
I'm just disappointed neither of them have a really British sounding name like Colin or Clive or something.
Really? I guess I was just thinking of Clive Anderson and Colin Firth, then.
How common a name is Molly over there? Here, there are more dogs and cows with the name than people.
I knew a Henry once...
It's happening again - the longer the boys are off, the larger the listener figures get... weird !
Hey folks,
Instead of sitting around and moping (or talking amongst ourselves), why don't we drop by to pitch in and give Rob a hand?
(Meaning help, although applause probably would be good, too.)
Pack up your paintbrushes!
Who wants to drive?
Violet Berlin WAS very cute. YMMV and obviously does.
Molly is quite common for young girls now I think- so are Isabel, Lily, friend is pregnant but all the names she like are uber-popular...
Did you get Jon his teatowel Rob?
everyone seems to be called matt, chloe, becky or amy nowadays!
back to TOTP... i miss it too! i have starved off withdrawal sympthoms by listening to old episodes a lot. i only discovered TOTP about a month ago so i've missed a lot of old episodes.
i was quite ill a while ago and couldnt go out or anything, but TOTP cheered me up and helped me through it! cheers lads! :-)
I'm missing it too...but the stats have gone up! ;-) xx
Sorry, this is totally off topic but Rob suggested I asked the group.... Does anyone know where I can find some simple HTML script to put a Poll Question in the sidebar of my webpage? I'd like ask a question every week, and then direct the listeners of my podcast to the website to vote. Rob thought that it might be fun to do something like that on this web page as well.
The 6620 West Kidcast
i think Bravenet have those? xx
D'you not think Jon sounds more like a "Rob" and Rob like a "Jon" ?
lol, for ages i got there names the wrong way round! i think there engraved into my brain after do many episodes...
There sure are a lot of comments on this entry.
People from Iowa sure do like to state the obvious.
(Just kidding, Andy!)
We should start a wave or something, to pass the time...
And now there are EVEN MORE.
Just to add my comments and make the list longer :) Walken is great in everything he does-the penultimate artist.
BTW-I think Jon is Rob-or is it the other way around?
Just to add to the huge total of comments... I'd like to say that my favourite Chris Walken film is The Addiction.
Pay no attention to the user comments - it's a really good film... and if you like hearing & seeing Chris Walken in Evil Dom mode then it's a real treat :-)
Aha! I have just realised! Rob may be elsewhere employed (fixing up ever house in the UK...). Jon, however, had a Birthday and was getting a PSP!
I bet you he has PSP thumb by now from all the GTA he has been playing instead of slaving behind a hot laptop and a sound desk!
That's my theory your honour, and I'm sticking to it!
Long live TOTP...
i hope theres a show tommorow....
9. Because they isn't American
8. The rambley music! (Well, not so much the music itself, but the hilarious things that are generally said while the rambley music is playing.)
7. Rob's bizarre knowledge of geography... Was he a taxi driver in a previous life? ;-)
6. Rob and Jon are really successful at bouncing things off one another - that makes a podcast last forever.
4. Robs boyish good looks, great choice in automobiles, winning smile, great voice and ability to make geeky topics interesting.
3. Rob and Jon's amazing ability to stay humble in the face of the adoration of millions.
No.1 - Rob's observations of the ongoings in the allotment adjacent to the studio / spare bedroom
Bluejacka - as list starter, I think you get to play the joker/gold cards. I strongly suggest moving #4 up to #1!
Molly, you wouldn't happen to have a vested interest in #4 being jokered up to #1, now would you?? ;-)
Haha. Actually, it's because I have no recollection of the current #1, either because I have not been listening long enough, or not been paying close enough attention. Guess that means I can no longer take seriously the idea of becoming president of the Rob Fan Club. :-/
Let's start a new Top Ten:
Top Ten Withdrawal Signs from topofthepods podcasts.
10. Checking the website hourly in the hope a new show's up.
9. Checking the website every half hour to see if any new comments have been posted...
8. Leaving the 73rd comment on the latest show.
7. Coming out in a rash when you hear an advert for "Top of the Pops" or somebody talking of top 10 lists.
6. Confusing the names Rob and Jon 'cos you can no longer remember who's who.
5. start listening to the older shows that you arnt really keen on, because theres nothing new.
3. Checking my aggregator every couple of hours and being disappointed that there is not a new show and wondering, "What the heck happened? I thought they were going to take a few days off!"
2. bursting into tears whenever you hear the words "pocket", "PCs", "google",
"earth", "honorary" or "jew"....
And the number one withdrawl sign...
D'you suppose we can hit 100 comments before the next show? I dunno, I think we're averaging about 20 a day lately. It was fewer at first, but we've picked up. Probably cause it's too cold to go outside, yeah?
Putting the "rambly" music on repeat as you sleep at night!
I am beginning to suspect that Rob has wallpapered himself into the room he is doing up and has been desperately looking for the door since last week...
rob? who's rob? ;-) xx
Mark from the tartanpodcast is in the box seat as far as guest hosts are concerned, as he has 'previous', perhaps co-hosting with the undermiked Freddy.
Let's not go down the road of a 'Pod Idol' competition just yet. Saying that, I reckon Jon's voice sounds a bit like Steve Brookstein (previous 'X Factor' winner')
Do you reckon the weight of a couple of rolls of wallpaper was too much for Rob's Ka? The reason for the shortfall in shows is that Rob's been busy pushing his car back from the hardware store while Jon's following him in his Smart car taunting him.
Only 11 more for the ton. We can do it!!!
Top ten comments leading up to 100 comments!
10. This one.
I've just been texting Rob and they genuinely are up to their hairlines in it. Rob mentioned 'nervous breakdown' - not ideal. I'm sure they will be back with us soon.
I think 2 enterprising listeners with decent audio capturing equipment should do a top 10 list and email a link to it to R&J.
Anyone have Skype, broadband, a microphone and a willingness to record / make a fool of themselves?
Email me at gordonmackenzie at gmail dot com [edited like that to avoid spambots] and I'll arrange something.
Heh, we could get all the frequent commenters together to do a top ten. I'd be happy to give it a go if other people want to too.
On a more serious note, I hope Rob and Jon are ok - best wishes to the both of them. :)
97.... I was holding out to be the 100th post. I think a few others have the same idea! So, here is number 97...
If Rob and Jon hold our much longer they will have over 2000 listeners in no time!
I have all the kit for podcasting, broadband and skype. But I live in a VERY different timezone (well at least to those in the US).
I dunno how much I am for podcasting, but I recently did some audio reviews of local coffee shops. Feel free to check them out at
On a side note, next person who posts has comment 100!
So that's me out of the running then...
Great idea, ph! I haven't really been listening to many of the old shows, because it's frustrating to be the only one listening to it and not really be able to comment (effectively). How about we all listen to top ten puddings, and add some comments to it? (Can you tell I skipped lunch today?)
You make cheesecake with cottage cheese over there?! You have got to be kidding!
'tips for blokes on the pull'- only 4 comments.... all I'm saying! xx
oh molly you're right! that one only has 2 comments, tragic... :-(
I've never made cheescake but that does sound disgusting...
I'd record something and send it to you if you could get a top ten organised !
If 10 of us all recorded one item each and one person cobbled them all together it'd be a piece of cake (or cheesecake)
Good idea, Grant. We'll give that a try - though we'd lose the banter that makes Top Of The Pods so much fun.
I've been trying to think of a Top Ten list that will leave lots of possibilities so nobody gives the same answer in, and I'd like you to send me audio clips of:
Top Ten Quotes.
Can be from anywhere - film, TV, book, current affairs, opinion pieces, podcasts, whatever. No particular theme - just quotes that you like.
What'd be nice is if told us the quote [possibly doing an impression of the speaker, if you want], and then gave us a wee bit about why you like it.
If you don't have any recording program, Windows has a built in program called Sound Recorder that's good for up to a minute's recording. Audacity is a free recording program on the web.
Then email your audio clip to gordonmackenzie@gmail@com and I'll edit them all together, and we'll have ourselves a fan show! Of sorts.
As soon as it's all done up, I'll post here.
It's not just you ... I keep hitting refresh too. I have only recently got into totp and I am already feeling withdrawl symptoms.
And yet another idea....
How about a top ten list of quotes from the lads themselves??? [at least that's a one-person job, but not by me...]
However, my vote for #1 would come from Jon in the top ten HTML tags: "Oh my God, how geeky is that?"
Hank and Eugene (and the monks) could do guest appearances, too.
Sort of a "Golden Moments" list.
Still trying to remember when Jon starts announcing to the allotment...
cheesecake is yummy stuff! :-P
id love to join in the fan podcast, but i dont have a microphone or anything i can record my voice on! :-(
anyway i hope jon & rob are ok and come back soon!
It has stopped snowing...
And is that a light - there, at the end of the tunnel?
I think the Batman Returns movie could have been replaced by Suicide Kings. If you have not seen it, you must. Some of the best CW moments on film.
i agree, that's a pretty good film! black comedy with some real funny bits... xx
i would aid to your podcast gordon, but do you really want to put a shadow on the totp name!
check out to see why...
We're back from our sabbatical... new show on it's way in a little while. It's a good one too.
Thanks everyone for being so patient and we're sorry we have been so busy - but back to normal now - promise...
Almost Daily Top Ten Lists
and a well-deserved sabbatical, I'd say - thanks for so much quality entertainment over the past several months, lads!
Just thought I'd take it to 124... passes the time..... ;-)
What happen to The Kings of New York and True Romance??? Mmmmm true romance... Doh!!!
Jason <---- the one without the cool sounding name
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