Friday, November 18, 2005

TOTP - Top Ten Fun Things To Do On The Web

Its Friday, and if you haven't got anything better to do whilst stuck at work then why not try some of the following web sites:-

If you are new to the web site you might be wondering where these links are - click on the 'Display the spoilers' link in the left hand column. We hid them so we don't spoil the surprise of the show.

What keeps you busy at the work on the web? Pop your cool distractions on the comments board for this post and we might even do another show about them. Keep 'em clean, if not email them to


LEM said...

And perhaps a video feed for the non-studio audience?

[sarcasticon needed here]

Nevertheless, a round of applause to the Peterborough Boys Choir: well done!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am loving the show. A great website which you can never get bored with is

Anonymous said...

Great page to explore your music interests...

Anonymous said...

No Orisinal? Go here for endless flash game fun :-) The boy in the balloon is my favourite....

Molly said...

So many entertaining web sites, so little time! Try typing "low fat rodent food" (except without the quotes) into google image search. hehehe.

digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

MMmmm.... I would hate to feed one of those to my overweight rodent!

Top Of The Pods said...

A spin on great podcast content

This guy must really hate us!

Anonymous said...

[And for LEM's moment on the now-vacant soapbox...]

Ditto and "hear, hear!"

Yes, the criticism is one person's opinion, but except for what could possibly be construed as a little bit of jingle-machine guilt, TOTP doesn't come close to falling into the "non-great" podcast categorization. The whole show is predicated on a theme, for heaven's sake! [action: arm waving and jumping up and down here]

Before the soapbox collapses, I'd also like to spin an idea about the so-called popularity of the commercially produced shows (or, as Jon would say, the ones that start with all the letters). I think it's an artefact of iTunes opening up the podcast universe to the less than technically adept: People tend to stick with what they recognize, and if their first aggregator was iTunes, then chances are that they are less familiar with other means of finding podcasts, AND if they are familiar with the content of TV and radio networks, of course they will investigate the podcasts produced by those networks. One can only hope that eventually the "alphabet-listeners" will realize that there's a wider world to hear and many more interesting formats to discover.

Thank you.
The soapbox is now free again.

Top Of The Pods said...

I just read the blog and realised we didn't meet any of the criteria for great content - might do a show tonight in the suggested style I think.

Adrian Pegg said...

Your content IS great. Most definitely. Because it is innovative, different and entertaining.

By the way according to Radio Clash, you are reviewed in issue 32 of Dazed & Confused magazine. Did you know?

Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

ooh, nasty...
I thought people were free to podcast what they liked...the laws of supply & demand will out. (& you make ME laugh- a LOT!) xx

ps is addictive fun!! xx

justinic9 said...

Speaking of Google. What about googlewhacking? Type a two-word phrase into google and try to come up with only one result.

justinic9 said...

Oh, and thanks for the Mac advice. I already knew it, but it's nice to be thought of. Most of the world ignores us--just because we have nicer computers.