Monday, February 13, 2006

TOTP - Top Ten Most Embarrassing Things Your Mum Could Say

You might want to vet this before having this show in the car. Its Kerrin's turn today for the worst possible things your mum could say to show you up:-

  • 10 - Dolls
  • 9 - Playing with girls
  • 8 - Pooing yourself
  • 7 - Forgot PE Kit
  • 6 - Marry best friend
  • 5 - Hitting puberty
  • 4 - Bed wetting
  • 3 - Tampering
  • 2 - Baby food
  • 1 - Mucky stash

Did we mention The Half Show today? Head over to for some really cool music.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good episode, Im sure I will enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Can I just clarify a few things :)

I am a guy
My mum never said any of those things to me
I loved what Jon and Rob did with my list, another great show (as always)


Jes said...

Great show guys!

Rob I think you need to 'lay on the couch' for a few hours to help you with some of that baggage you're carrying. Between food, school and childhood you've got some crap your suppressing.

If not, just ride your bike, safely!

Love ya and continue this great show guys!

Unknown said...

Listening at the moment, and it reminds me of things my mum used to say to me..... ;-}

Anonymous said...

I know Kerrin and his mum did say at least one of those things about him!

Anonymous said...

How about - "You wore diapers until you were 5"?