TOTP - Top Ten Things Everyone Thinks They Could Do
Thanks to Al from Rhode Island, USA for this list. He sent an email to and we just put it up on our web site :-
- 10 – Write song lyrics
- 9 – Design a web site
- 8 – Write movie reviews
- 7 – Be a comedian
- 6 – Write comedy
- 5 – Invent the next hot selling item
- 4 – Work in sports
- 3 - Write Top Ten Lists
- 2 – Name anything
- 1 – Write a book
Nice List... Nice Show.
Are you finding some of our shows very english / american based? are we likely to alienate audiences with references to english TV and english culture. what do people think?
In my experience our North American friends like hearing about English/Scottish/British things. It's part of the appeal of listening to a UK-based podcast. btw, I haven't forgotten about my top 10 list - I've got 8 so far.
well we look forward to gettig those mark and by the way we are working on a promo thing for your show. thanks for the support and comments Mark...
Nah, I think they are good... But then i am from England, so it doesn't bother me, lol, I love the shows tho guys, keep it up
You boys!
This always make me laugh - in fact I nearly fell off my motorbike this morning listening to your Doctor Who out-takes.
OK,Skype: If you buy a Skype In number (you can now get UK ones with codes such as 0207, 0121, 0131, 0141, 0161) or you can have a number in the US if you want to give US listeners the chance to call at local rates to them, anyway with a Skype In numver you get voicemail free, and with voicemail you can record your own personal outgoing message. It is fantastically cheap - with a Skype in number with voicemail costing around £20 for a whole year.
Must get around to doing a list...
I've got a bloomin' US skype in number and no begger ever calls it. But I have had a few audio comments emailed in...cheaper for everyone, really.
Yer, I actually downloaded Skype after your show to see what it was like... I actually have no use for it, I still live at home so don't pay the phone bills, lol, but I just use it mainly for prank calls... it's all fun
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