TOTP - Top Ten Things I Would Do If I Could Pause Time
Following the time travel theme from yesterday, Sean from Riverside issued us with a challenge to write a top ten of things that we would do if we could pause time:-
- 10 - Sleep on the job
- 9 - Not worry about an extended toilet break
- 8 - Look up stuff on the internet quickly to appear intelligent
- 7 - Rob a bank
- 6 - Throw rocks and stuff in water to see what splashes look like in slow motion
- 5 - Look up girls
- 4 - Shave parts of Jon
- 3 - Answer all my emails
- 2 - Dodge bullets
- 1 - Reposition people
We also talked to Linda on Skype about Podcastuser Magazine - this is a free magazine available from We also talked to songwriter Jeff Shields about the great song he wrote for us, you can read more about Jeff at his bio page and download some of his tunes at SoundClick.
Now that I'm awake, guys...
What I should have said was that Podcast User Magazine has articles written for listeners in addition to information for podcasters and musicians and the business community: how-to articles, tutorials, and even podcast reviews. All that in addition to the crazy pic of Jon...
Thanks, from -5 GMT (...the things I would do if I could pause time!),
Guys, loved Linda's interview. Tell her that she needs to start podcasting...
what is the top of the pods myspace? mine is
add me! im a hardXcore emo!
haha the origianal jewth!
Look who's featured today at the iTunes Podcast Banner!
well well well, look whose dream came true! you have a chip holding a sign that says top of the pods!!
Check it out here...
Bravo! Featured on itunes, guys!
I'll need to check this out when I get home but I can't imagine the bills (or the time it'd take) to download files the size of your average podcast. I've got a mobile Feedburner app on my Nokia that will alert me to who has new shows in their feed so I can then go fire up the PC and use my 'catcher. Very nice little tool.
You should try using the subscribe using email link on the page - if you have a blackberry or other push email device you can get notified via email. If you have a windows powered device I suggest PocketRss - around $5 and downloads podcasts over wifi or other connections.
bazza - anything similar for a Samsung D600 phone?
Xloserxchickx - that's a gorilla, not a chimp!
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