Thursday, September 29, 2005

TOTP - Top Ten Worst Subjects At School

Ratboy sent us his list of the subjects that he really doesn't get on with at school. In England the term 'Ratboy' (coined by popular anti-everything newspaper The Daily Mail) refers to a 12 year old Artful Dodger type that breaks into your house, nicks your video then leaves dog mess on your dining room rug because he's not at school - after reading this list we are convinced this listener could be inclined to do so:-

  • 10 - Technology
  • 9 - English Language
  • 8 - Chemistry
  • 7 - History
  • 6 - Music
  • 5 - Religious Studies
  • 4 - Physical Education
  • 3 - English Literature
  • 2 - Modern Languages
  • 1 - Physics
What was your worst subject at school? Is there something Ratboy forgot (apart from nicking your jewelery and CD collection too)? Then let us know using the technological gift of the discussion board on the web site.


Anonymous said...

Didn't listen to the show but according to the spoilers you put physics to no. 1 - I really liked it and I'm not angry only because you didn't put Maths on the list

Sam Smith said...

they are some of the more interesting subjects! i hate citizenship, as you now HAVE to do it (its the law). an hour a week learning about ASBO's and yob culture...

Sam Smith said...
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digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Great show as always!

Hope you're feeling better Rob!

The Anime show was the best ever (except for Hank and Eugene and Tourettes Monks!)

BTW. Current statistics in first world countries show that less than 7% of graduates from University work in the field in which they studied, and most people will have changed careers (not just jobs) more than once before the age of 30!

Gen X and all that.....

By the BTW. I AM Dr Foster. Like I have never heard that one before... (I can honestly say I have never been to Gloucester though.... Also, doesn't rain THAT much in South Africa) - can't remember what show number that was from?

Oh yeah and one LAST thing....

Επ'ευκαιρία "το ipsum Lorem" είναι λατινικά, μη ελληνικά!

Sam Smith said...

Hank and Eugene and Tourettes Monks!

erm, what episodes were these? i cant remember, but i remember the monks being hillarious.

Grant - Three From Leith said...
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Anonymous said...

@ Sam - the tourettes monks are at the end of the episode about the top 10 girls with big bums

Top Of The Pods said...

Well it seems I've pass my germs to everyone else (don't tell anyone it was me!) - tonights show will be a little late - it'll be out sometime tomorrow morning cos it needs about 3 hours editing doing to it).


Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

i liked English Lang & lit & languages (& art & history). HATED technology (we did woodwork, cooking and design- on rotation), maths, drama, geography & music

GiantKillerMantis said...

We called P.E. "P.E." when I was in school (in the States). It was a complete waste of time. In most schools, it exists only to give the football coach something to do ("teach" P.E.) during the day.

Our equivalent of "technology" was called "votech", which is short for "vocational technology". So, it was stuff you'd use in "blue collar" jobs, mostly. If you wanted to skip college and just go to work, you took votech classes. I took one on automechanics and this kid lit up a joint in class.

Sadly, they don't hold kids back a year anymore. They just pass them whether they learn or not. It's supposed to be nicer for their egos. Until they get out in the real world and realize how ignorant they are, I guess.

Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

i forgot how much i hated PE! except for cross-country, cos we just walked it & had a chat, or went to my friend's house nearby & watched TV...

Anonymous said...

yes indeed, lorem ipsum is Latin, not Greek - thanks for the mention on the show, lads, and yes, I am fluent in Greek - I am a English-Greek-English translator-interpreter of some 20 years, for my sins ;-)

Sam Smith said...

is there any chance of hearing an uncut version of the tourrettes monks sketck? the bleeped version is hillarious...

Hel said...

i hated maths at school, for 4 years i had a teacher who couldnt teach... soooo many people in her class had private tuition from other teachers after school cos they werent learning anything during her lessons... in my AS Level class there were 8 of us, and all but 1 of us ended up having private tuition! the worst bit is, this wasnt some bog-standard sink school, this was a private school and people were paying through the nose to get a good education!
another subject i hated was latin, it was compulsory to do it for at least 1 year... i really dont understand why we had to learn it as nobody speaks it any more! i also didnt like ICT much at any of my schools (state or private), i guess cos they couldnt really teach it properly, or the PCs kept crashing, or there were never enough (working) PCs to go round...
but, i did like physics at school, probably cos the teacher had a sense of humour, we did lots of practicals and watched loads of really bad old science videos (everyone, including the teacher, laughed so much over them!), and there wasnt actually too much maths involved in it!