TOTP - Top Ten Interesting American Town Names
America is famous for its small towns, however the names of some such towns are questionable. Not our words, but the words of Ed from Vancouver in his email to We really struggled with this list of the top 10 interesting American town names to make them actually sound interesting, but here goes:-
- 10 – Chloride, Arizona
- 9 – Hazardville, Connecticut
- 8 – Correctionville, Iowa
- 7 – Slaughter, Louisiana
- 6 – Little Boars Head, New Hampshire
- 5 – Cheesequake, NJ
- 4 – Yonkers, NY
- 3 - Tuba City, Arizona
- 2 – Bird In Hand, Penn
- 1 – Gun Barrel City, Texas
Today is Jons last day as he is off on holiday until Thursday. But don't worry, rather than leaving you Top of the Podless for the next three days we'll be trying to enlist the services of a stand-in podcaster, so stay subscribed.
little and often thats what i say:)
whats happening with tommorow then? are you going to skype someone? you should do a special one on your own rob, and just fill it with jew news!
Jon has his finger on the world of Jews, without him there is no Jew News. Its like Newsround without John Craven or Scripting News without an argument over nothing.
I'm dragging our guest presenter out of the boozer in a few minutes, hope he is sober enough to read out a list...
A few from my home state of Arkasas: Pickle's Gap, Possum Grape, Toad Suck, that's it. There are a lot of little towns named after big towns in the old world, like Moscow, Arkansas or Paris, Texas. There's even an Egypt, Arkansas. A lot of names from Native Americans sound cool or funny, too; like Waxapaha, North Carolina. Most of the states west of the orignial 13 are named after Native American words, too.
Hmmmm... drunken guest presenter.... could it be a certain Scot who likes to get tanked up and lock his wife in the car ??!!
if you want a 14 year old with a helium voice to do a show, then skype me:)
It's like ... Scripting News without an argument over nothing.
ROTFL - I'm a fan of Dave Winer's but he really could start a ruck in a Buddhist temple. If it was a geek Buddhist temply obviously.
I often pass through 'Piddle' in Worcester
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